Research and Development

 Causes and incidence

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the first cause of death in Europe and they are responsible of over 4 million of deaths per year (Townsend N, et al. Eur Heart J 2015;36:2696–2705). Atherosclerosis, main cause of CVD, is a chronic multifactorial illness characterized by the arterial accumulation of lipids, inflammatory cells and fibrous tissue. This process causes a reduction of the vascular lumen (Koenig, W et al, 2007, Arter Thromb and Vasc Biol, 27:15-26) and it is facilitated by the accumulation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidized to the arterial levels (Hansson, GK et al, 2006, Nat Rev Immunol, 6:508-519). Hypercholesterolemia is one of the main risk factors for atherosclerosis. In the process of reverse transport of cholesterol from tissues to liver, HDL (High-Density-Lipoprotein) have a protective role in CVD.


One of the main therapeutic approaches for atherosclerosis, in association with a change in patient’s life style, is focused on the treatment of hypercholesterolemia (one of the CVD major risk factors) and of hyperlipidemia. Drugs as statins help to normalize and decrease LDL levels, contributing to reduce their negative effects. In spite of early enthusiasms for these drugs, the action on the protective effects of HDL has not been sufficient to lead significant improvements on therapeutic outcome.

Our contribution

GRG Gene Technology developed an innovative and effective delivery system for biologic macromolecules with a therapeutic potential that allows overcoming many drawbacks in synthesis, purification and drug delivery to the patients.

The scientific validations of the Università Milano Bicocca have promoted the GRG innovation.  Read MORE:

logo_rossoGRG Gene Technology SA  – Casella Postale 130  – 6594 Contone – Switzerland